DYOM » StoryLines » (Horror)Life Is Strange (Season 1)

(Horror)Life Is Strange (Season 1)

By WhiteBeardBro

This is a story of a city where everything was going good, everyone was doing their job, earning their livelihood and lived happily until, something strange happened, people started disappearing one after another and it changed into a chaos. People started to do things nobody ever dreamt of doing like killing each other for no reason. After a research it turned out their was a zombie apocalypse going on in the country. The main protagonist 'Trevor' tried surviving from it along with his friends helping him. His main goal is to find out where this apocalypse came from and how to remove it completely.

Note: This story is not completed yet, I will continue it if I see good reviews and good no. of downloads on it. So, make sure to tell me in the comments if you liked my story. :)

Note 2: This story is completely original.


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Last Update
Mar 02 '24


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Added by WhiteBeardBro on Mar 01 2024, 17:35
Guys, please be sure to comment I wanna see how you like it!!!
Added by WhiteBeardBro on Mar 02 2024, 16:35
Also make sure to describe what you think of it before downloading seeing the screenshot. :)

Added by Svetoslav LOL on Mar 15 2024, 12:13
To be honest,the story is alright,but the overall gameplay and mission design is kind of mediocre,I think you could do better,about the screenshot it's alright.
Added by Svetoslav LOL on Mar 15 2024, 12:16
Oh and another thing,please fix the grammar,some cutscenes just don't make sense because of it.

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